Tuesday 26 December 2017

Is it Christmas yet?

I’ve tried to be very good all year but I don’t think it’s worked!
Oh dear, no-one seems to notice it’s Christmas morning!
My Christmas lights have been wrapped around my day-time house (the cold frame in the garden) for weeks!  Can you see me through the shiny lights? I’m being good aren’t I?

Do you think that Father Christmas will see that I’m trying to be a little angel?


I think it’s worked!
Xmas brekkie2
…. a special Christmas brekkie – of Turkey and Rabbit – delicious! Not interested in the biscuits today! Thank you Santa John.
Xmas brekkie 3

Boy, do I need a sleep now!
Hope that Cara, Anna, Amelie, Bea, Freya and Seb all had a lovely Christmas pressie from Father Christmas as nice as mine.

Monday 10 July 2017

Summer in my garden

I love playing around in my garden, especially when it's lovely and sunny. I like to do all sorts of things such as snoozing (the best thing), cleaning (very important when you have such long and beautiful fur like me!), chasing (a bit tiring) and most of all I like rolling and rolling until I’m dizzy.

Snoozing – in my cold frame, but only when it's cold and wet as it's too hot when it's sunny. Sian has made me a window to look out of – can you see the shape she’s made it? Who does that remind you of?

Peek-a-boo – can you see me through my cat window?
Here I am cleaning myself. I need to do this to keep my long fur looking beautiful and tidy.

 - and click the arrow to see the video of me cleaning myself -

I like to chase things in my garden as long as I don't have to move very far or very fast. Here you can see me playing with a moving piece of grass. Great fun until I get bored with it. Click the arrow to see the video of me playing.

But my favourite thing to do is to do rolly pollys, sometimes on the grass and sometimes on the bricks.
I like to roll and roll and roll......and stretch and stretch ......and roll again - until I get quite dizzy!

Click the arrow to see me rolling and rolling on the grass.

If you like rolling, try it on your grass too like me - it's great fun.

Enjoy your summer holidays in Cardiff, Surrey and your winter holiday in Queenstown!
May the sun shine in Somerset too so I can do lots more snoozing, cleaning, playing and rolling..................

Thursday 13 April 2017


Freya and Bea both need nurses. Freya has her leg in a beautiful pink plaster and Bea has been poorly in hospital.

Today I have put on my nurse’s uniform and become a nurse for Freya and Bea.

Do you like my bright red cross? This means I’m a nurse.

Do you like my clean white bib?  I licked it and licked it until it was a white as snow. I’m a very clean cat, just like a nurse.

I’ll make you better Bea so you can go home from hospital to Pipnut.


I hope your leg is better soon Freya. I haven’t really broken my leg but I thought your leg looked so colourful, I wanted to have a pink leg too.

I think it looks almost as lovely as your leg - but it is a bit tight! Is your pink plaster tight?

It is also a bit itchy. Is your pink leg itchy?

I think that everyone will want a pink leg now.

pink bandage

Would you like a pink leg too Bea?

I expect you have some lovely big stitches on your tummy.

I would like some of those too.

So I streched myself out as much as I could and asked Mummy to draw some stitches on my tummy.

They are only pretend stitches.


How many stitches did you have Bea?

Did you have more than me?

Were they bigger?

Do you like mine?

plaster stitches

Now I have a plaster and some stitches.

Oh dear – now I can’t open my chocolate bunnies and it’s Easter Sunday today! 



Tuesday 14 February 2017

Lots of St Valentine purrs from me to all my fans


I had such a lovely sleep last night that I’m truely exhausted this morning – as you can see, I need to relax so my fur grows even longer to keep me looking beautiful.

I expect you will understand that it took a lot of energy to pose for this photo and to write these words.

But I wanted to send you all some St Valentine purrs from my lovely warm window sill.  I hope you think I look adorable surrounded by this pretty red heart.

Special purrs to Pipp-nut the hamster (affectinately called Pippi) in Surrey, Jack the cat (affectionately called Mog) in Cardiff and Bunny the rabbit in Queenstown.

I’m going to go back to sleep now. Writing this blog has been sooooooo exhausting. I think it will take me all day to recover! Bye bye, sleep tight.