Friday 23 December 2016

Christmas knitting

I decided that I would knit some scarves to give to my friends for Christmas.


It is nearly Chrismas so I looked at all the fluffy wools that Mummy Sian had in her basket …and chose these lovely colours – that remind me of something.

Do you think that these are the most beautiful colours in the world?


When I stroke the balls of wool they remind me of my furry coat which makes me the most beautiful cat in the world don’t you think? Jack, you are the second most beautiful cat in the world of course.


Oh dear, these bendy knitting needles are so difficult to hold in my big furry paws.


I smiled sweetly at Mummy and asked her to do some knitting for me. She said she would as long as I wiped my mouth first as I had just had my tea!


So I licked my mouth and now I’m so proud of my knitting. Two furry scarves are now finished. Can you see them hanging on the chair – they are so beautiful I think they look just like me! I love rubbing against them to feel their soft fluffiness.


It’s very tiring to do so much knitting you know. I think I’ll take a rest for a while. My eyes are slowly closing.


Putting my head up-side-down helps me to sleep and look at my furry scarves at the same time.


Now to have a proper sleep on my window sill and dream of Father Christmas.


If I close my eyes very tight tonight, do you think that Father Christmas will come and visit again? Looking forward to the morning.

I hope he comes to visit you as I know how good you’ve been.

Thursday 17 November 2016

I could not believe my eyes!

The postman delivered the letters through our letter box yesterday. I saw a little heap on the door mat. I can’t pick them up as my paws are too big and fluffy.

Mummy Sian gathered the letters up and said “Ooh - there’s a postcard for you Callie. Look, here it is.”

I jumped up onto the back of the sette so I could look at it and saw there was a very pretty picture at the top and and a drawing at the bottom of a very beautiful cat. That must surely be me! I can see my pretty ears and my handsome furry tail, so yes, that’s me!


On the other side of the postcard there is a picture of a very strange ginger coloured animal.

Do you think could be me? Surely not! It looks a very funny animal to me.

I’ve seen dogs on a lead with their owners as they pass my house. But I’ve never seen one with such a funny face and long neck. Is that why he has to wear his hat over his nose?

I wonder if could it be a giraffe?

Or perhaps it’s a galloping horse that Daddy Roy likes watching on TV as he shouts lots of numbers and funny words.


I wonder who it’s from? Mummy turned the postcard over so I could read the words.

I’m pretty clever but I needed to ask Mummy to help with some of the words. The most important words I can see is my name at the top – ‘dear Callie’ (oh how lovely that someone calls me ‘dear’).

The other important words are on the bottom which say ‘luv from Anna’ and then a whole row of kisses – how many can I count? at least 8 I think (I had to count on all my paws – twice) and then a whole row of hearts. This means that Anna loves me ooooooo how lovely. I love you too Anna.


I hope you didn’t tell that big ginger creature you loved him as well as me Anna - I would be very jealous.

Thank you for sending me my very own postcard – my first, very own postcard. I’m glad you had a lovely holiday by the seaside with Cara.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Summer days

We don’t have to go to school, do we Jack because we’re cats? But Cara, Anna, Amelie and Bea will be starting school soon. Freya, Sebastian, Jowan and Tristan will go to school when they are older.

I wish I could go to school but I don’t think I’m clever enough. Are you a clever cat, Jack?


I like to think a lot, but I can’t do any writing like Cara, Anna, Amelie and Bea, who are really clever. I sit in the garden and look around and just think. I like to sit in different places to have a different sort of think. Here I am sitting on the wall looking out at the garden – having a think.


I sometimes sit in the compost heap and think . . . thoughts! I don’t know what I think about. Do you?


Sometimes I sit in the shade if it is hot – and think about not being hot.


Sometimes I like to hide in a hidey sort of place behind the plants in the garden. Can you see me hiding . . . .and thinking?


Sometimes I think in the greenhouse if it is raining. I think about the rain and watch the tomatoes and cucumbers growing bigger.

I think that’s enough thinking for now. I can feel my eyelids are closing. I’ll do more thinking tomorrow – it is very tiring to think all the time! I’m so pleased I don’t have to go to school as well.

Friday 24 June 2016

I’m on holiday!

I’m so happy to be in my garden. Roy and Sian have gone to Cornwall to see Uncle John so I’m home alone.


Aunty Charlotte from next door (Moley’s mum) is looking after me. Mummy (Sian) made me promise to be a good cat while she was away.


Last time Aunty Charlotte looked after me I wouldn’t come in at night and she had to come twice to get me safely indoors!  But I love being in my garden


So I promised to be good this time.


Well, a little bit good!


I like to play in the garden. I can roll this way and then the other way


I can leap into the air


…and stand on my head…


….. I try to catch flies….


…and walk on tippee toes…..


I can climb up a wall!


…. and slide down a slope…


…and best of all… curl up asleep…..

And no-one can see me…. except you!

Monday 9 May 2016

A lovely letter from Cara and Anna

I was so excited – my very first letter ever – and it was from some of my favourite people – Cara and Anna who live in Cardiff with Jack the cat.

Cara’s name is in yellow and Anna’s in pink at the bottom of my letter


In the envelope was also a beautiful drawing which shows us all, Cara, Anna, their Mummy and Daddy, Sian and Roy and biggest and the most important of all in the very middle – me!


I am having a really long look at if from my favourite chair. My mummy is pointing out my very own portrait in the middle. Cara and Anna have coloured my beautiful fur colour perfectly. Don’t I look beautiful?


Thank you for such a lovely letter and drawing.

Thank you – I love you!

Kiss, purr, kiss, purr to you both – can you see my pink tongue is making a kiss to you both?


Friday 15 April 2016

Hide and Seek

I’m hiding. Can you see me? Bet you can’t. I’m completely hidden and nobody can see me, but I can see you! Not even if I stick my paw out a little way. See, I’ve completely disappeared behind this plant in the garden.


I was having a little sleep behind this plant when Sian came calling me but I decided not to move – not even a whisker. Perhaps she’s calling me for some tea? Shall I move?


I decided to come out of my comfy bed behind the plant. Now I think I’ll see if it’s tea time and then go back to my other comfy bed on my window sill.


And what do you know – there’s a plant here to!!!!!!! And I can hide behind this too. Can you see me? The clue is that my white paw is sticking out again but the rest of me is totally out of sight?


I’ll twist around a bit so my head is more hidden. Can you see me now? I think that white paw is still showing a bit?


Now there’s a gap between the leaves and you can see my face. I can see you – peekaboo!


So I think I’ll close my eyes and go to sleep again. I’m very cosy behind my leaves. Good night everyone, its time for forty winks again.

grass7    grass6

Just incase you are wondering what this bunch of leaves is doing in my bed - these seeds were planted from this packet of ‘Cat Grass’, so this is my own special grass. I don’t know what it is for but I do like hiding behind it.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Do I really have to sleep on this new blanket?

Do you have a favourite chair or blanket or cushion?

I do.

I love my red material on my window sill. It’s covered with my loose fur and feels as if its my very own blanket.


A litle while ago, I noticed that my red blanket had disappeared and a new furry one appeared. I think I’m being ‘tidied up’!

I’ve been given a new ‘bed’ on my favourite window sill to replace my lovely red blanket – you can see this peeping out on the right of this picture below – nicely covered with my fur.


I looked at it and wondered what it felt like to walk on. I was tempted to step on it to reach my bowl which had some of my favourite food in it. I must admit, it felt very nice – just like my own beautiful fur – well almost as nice!


Then the bowl was moved further along to my window sill.

Well, you have to follow a bowl of food don’t you!


Yes, you certainly do.


You have to eat it all up! Delicious.


You have to get right up on that window sill and make sure you eat all that food!


Right to the very last mouthful!


Oops! I’ve just realised --- I’m lying on the new blanket!

I’ve been had!